Sunday 5 June 2022

Prayers and Prayers Fulfilled- Grace

Prayers and Prayers Fulfilled- Grace

God's grace in forms of fulfillment of prayers are given in three ways

1. Anugraha Kripa ( Causal Grace)

2. Nigraha Kripa ( Quasi-Causal Grace)

3. Ahaituki Kripa (Casueless Grace)

Anugraha Kripa


You have a prayer or a desire and you incessantly pray and work for that.

God's grace fulfills the prayer in bringing you exactly what you are looking for. 

In other words, your prayer is accepted. Simple transaction.

In Nichirens Buddhism it's called Conspicuous Benefits.

Nigraha Kripa


Your prayers are not answered exactly as the way you have asked for. Instead you might get misery instead of fulfillment. 

Now this misery is not misery in its fullest sense. In this case the prayers aren't granted in a conspicuous sense; or some misery happens, for your own good.

For example, you have the potential to be a good and succesful business man; yet you are frantically looking for a salaried job. You understand you have all the potential, you worked very hard (working for your desire is also a prayer in a sense), you prayed incessantly; yet you face rejections after rejections. Even if you cracked a job, you lost it in a matter of no time. Finally, after a lot of rejections and dejections, you find a business of your passion, you try that whole heartedly and someday you make a huge success. Apparently it's also a grace where God understood your potential and guided you to rightly what brought you success. It's a bit difficult to understand and comprehend because of our short sight but this form of grace is a fact. The founder of Alibaba, Jack Ma is a burning example as a recipient of Nigraha Kripa. He was rejected from all jobs, even as a waiter in KFC fried chicken; and today he's one of the richest and most respected entrepreneurs of our time.

In Nichirens Buddhism it's called In-Conspicuous Benefits.

Ahaituki Kripa


This is like striking a lottery. You didn't even pray for it; just had a slight desire and suddenly you strike success. Most of us are looking for this type of grace. There are lots of factors that are involved in this. There are two principle factors that determine this

1) You've had some very good karma (good and generous actions) in the past and when the time is ripe for you to reap the fruits; God pushes it to us. In a way most of us are reaping this grace most of the time but are unaware. Even that we are born as humans, we have a healthy life, we get to eat, live and even got the opportunity to pray and seek God is because of this Ahaituki Kripa.

2) You are surrendered to God, or Universe or the Ultimate power; whatever name you might give it. You accept whatever comes and don't mind whatever happens. Your  priority is to seek God, you have developed divine qualities. You're always looking forward to what you can give than what you can take; you have developed selflessness, etc. The slightest desire you have; or any comfort that would have been good for you; are all rushed to you, even without asking for it. Name, fame, wealth everything happens to you even though you might have foresaken it.

Burning examples : Swami Vivekananda, Paramhamsa Yogananda. 

P.S: From the very start of some form of prayers and spiritual practice, if attentive, one can easily see these forces or Grace working constantly. 

Disclaimer: These are my realisations and thoughts and are not copied from any scriptures or texts. Counter opinions are also welcome. Partly I have been inspired by the talks of Her Grace Sri Sri Anandamayee Ma.

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