Wednesday 25 May 2022

Divine Law of Induction and Magnetism & Consecration Law of Manifestation/Attraction

Divine Law of Induction and Magnetism

& Consecration

Law of Manifestation/Attraction


I have been asked a lot about this subject and hence writting my views on it.

Let's start with fragrance. You'd know that many shrubs and trees grow around a sandalwood tree and all of them have the fragrance of sandal wood. How? 

In our childhood most of us have seen the experiment with a magnet and seen how the small iron filings form a peculiar magnetic field pattern around the magnet arranging themselves according to the field. This implies that the magnet is just not limited to its solid structure and has a larger invisible periphery to it. Hope this makes sense till now.

We might have also witnessed how iron pieces or safety pins when stuck to the magnet for a long time, also starts exhibiting magnetic properties. I remember how we used to make magnetic chains out of those magnetised safetypins. 

Now why do this happen? To put in grossly, the particles inside a piece of magnet are in a particular allignment and vibration which exhibits the property. When another iron object is placed in proximity to it, synchronisation occurs and the particles inside iron object also allig themselves similarly because of the magnet's influence.

Now, every thing on this earth is like a magnet. The earth itself is a huge magnet. They have a field around them. All matters are just vibrating particles and in motion but appear solid to us because of the frequency. We can easily prove it by the example of a ceiling fan. When it's not in motion it has three blades. Yet, when it's allowed to revolve fast, it looks like a disc. If it's allowed to rotate even faster beyond our eye's (frame/second) capaciy, we won't see anything and it becomes transparent. 

Same way we see things solid because they are vibrating in a particular frequency. So this is established. It can also be inferred from here that the magnetic field of this matter depends directly on the frequency of its natural vibration ( the sumtotal effect of its vibrating particles)

Human beings


Now let's take the human body. It comprises of the physical matter and the mind. Both have frequencies of their own. The body can be seen but the mind can't be seen. It generates thoughts that are also established as energy vibrations. A wave aspect just like radio or heat waves. The sumtotal of these frequencies of varying number of waves and the natural frequencies of the body also forms a magnetic field. Magnetism is just one property known to science but there are other infinite number of properties that this field has. Suppose, this person is spiritual and attained divine qualities and a blissful state of being; the same information is also available in his field. This field we named it as "Aura" or "Ojas" in sanskrit. People of different mental and physical states have different auras. A happy and a sad person thus has opposite auras. Taking the previous example, if another human is brought near this divine person, automatically the divine aura starts to Influence this person and with prolonged exposure, similar allignment and vibrations start happening in the other person; just like magnetism and simultaneously; synchronisation starts taking place. This is known as Satsanga and the opposite is known as kusanga. Thus, an induction like phenomena takes place. Just like a magnet, a human being also has two poles. We call the higher one as Sahasrara Chakra (Shiva) and the other as Muladhara Chakra (Devi Shakti) just like north pole and south pole in case of a magnet.

Transmission, Symbols, Pictures and Idols


In normal ways, we know that a wave can be transmitted but a particle cannot. But in more quantum concepts even particles can behave as waves and transmitted (wave, particle duality)

Waves as we know can be transmitted with a transmitter and received with a receiver just like radio. Similarly humans can transmit their thought waves to another person and if that person keeps an open mind like a signal receiver; information and energy can be received. 

Thus by practicing this, through some specific techniques, Yogis who have practiced this can send waves of energies to another and inturn transform their state of being and fulfilment. This we call as blessings. 

A single thought we think about another person; and immediately the exchange of energy starts whether we are aware of it or not. Similarly God symbols are nothing but a visual apparatus that tunes our receiving mechanism to a source of energy that the symbol represents. Idols and Photographs also work in the same way. Everyone has experienced this in life. Suppose you have some nice childhood memories that was happy and exhilarating; the moment you see an old photograph or that or just think about that event;  the same happiness and energy starts working in your system. Same happens when you are in a similar vibratory and happy state, you suddenly remember those memories when you felt similar. Just a fragrance or ambience can suddenly bring back old memories where similar scent and ambience was available.

In satsanga and in physical proximity, both the natural frequency of the body and mind waves of the divine being creates an influence and thus is more powerful. 

Yogis of very high state can convert their body particles into waves and transmit themselves at the call of an advanced devotee or disciple. Mahavatar Babaji, Jesus Christ, Shirdi Sai Baba, Lahiri Mahasaya and some other Yogis, in my experience, can do this.



Powerful Yogis use this similar technique to record their vibrations and frequencies in some inanimate object, idol, symbol or space. Shiva Linga is just the apparatus to do so. Due to its geometric design and the eleptical shape, A Yogi can easily magnetise it with his vibrations and make it a permanent vibratory apparatus like a permanent magnet. The object of consecreation hence holds the similar frequencies that the Yogi has. Thus, even after thousands of years after the bodily death of the Yogi, the object still retains those divine vibrations. This is called Prana Pratishtha. Thus whosoever goes in proximity to the object and with exposure; gains the similar vibratory influences. 

This is the fundamental principle on which the real law of manifestation/attraction works.

P.S: This is a very gross level explanation and not all the points and subtlety are touched upon for easy base level understanding. I am myself reaponsible for what I have written. These are out of my own realisations and not taken from any scripture or book. counter opinions are also welcome.

Varna, Chakras and Yugas

 There are 4 ways of functioning in life.

1. Gross way (Shudra)- one’s ruled by instincts. Functioning mindlessly without thinking. No alertness; just moving on just like that. It’s similar to how animals function.
The time span of one's passing through this state is called Kali Yuga.
2. Subtle way (Vaisya)- one thinks logically before action. Mindful way applying the brain. Alert and conscious. Intellect is sharpened and applied. The time span of one's passing through this state is called Dwapara Yuga.
3. Subtler way (Kshatriya)- one acknowledges that there is also a possibility for a higher way of living. One believes in a higher power and practices spiritual discipline and dharma. The time span of one's passing through this state is called Treta Yuga.
4. Subtlest way (Bramhan) - A different super intelligence takes over. One understands the presence of this and allows it to take over the mind/ego. The mind is just the witness then and the higher intelligence does all the work. One feels free and blissful. The time span of one's passing through this state is called Satya Yuga.
This is my understanding of the 4 varnas and Yugas or classification in the Hindu system. Varnas are not defined by birth, it’s defined by the life state, and the way of functioning.
Under natural evolution one has to go through these phases. Each phase has a time period and those are the Yugas.
मनुष्य ज़्यादातर ४ तरह से जीवन निर्वाह करते है
१. स्थूल प्रकार : इसमें मनुष्य अपने स्थूल इन्द्रियों के वश में होते है। इन्द्रिय जैसे जैसे मन को खींचती जाती है , इंसान भी उसी प्रकार का व्यवहार करता है । पशु भी इसी तरह से जीवन निर्वाह करते है । ऐसा आचरण जिनके व्यवहार में अधिक दिखता है अने शूद्र वर्ण कहते है । जब इंसान ऐसी मानसिकता से गुजरता है उस समय या काल को कलयुग कहा जा सकता है ।
२. सूक्ष्म प्रकार : इसमें इंसान अपनी बुद्धि और दिमाग का प्रयोग करता है। सोच समझ से निर्णय लेता है । इस स्थिति में बुद्धि का विकास होता है। ऐसा आचरण जब इंसान के जीवन निर्वाह में अधिक दिखता है तो उन्हें वैश्य वर्ण कहा जा सकता है । जब इंसान इस प्रवाह से गुजरता
है, उस समय या काल खंड को द्वापर युग कहा जा सकता है।
३. सुक्षमतर प्रकार : इसमें इंसान अपनी बुद्धि और अहंकार के अतिरिक्त भी एक नई बोध का आभास करता है औरसमझता है कि अपनी शक्ति के ऊपर भी एक परशक्ती है जो इस अनंत ब्रम्हांड को चला रहा है। वह ईश्वर मुखी धर्म परायण होने लगता है। वह मुमुक्षु बन जाता है। वह ईश्वर को जानने की कोशिश करता है और धार्मिक जीवन व्यतीत करता है। जब इंसान में ऐसी भाव का जागरण होता है तो उन्हें क्षत्रिय कहा जा सकता है। जिस कल खंड में यह प्रवाह व्यतीत होता है, उसे त्रेता युग कहा जा सकता है।
५. परा सूक्ष्म प्रकार: इसमें इंसान परा शक्ति या ईश्वर से एकत्व अनुभव करता है और अपने करता होने का अहंकार भी खो देता है। वह परमानंद सच्चितानंद में अवस्थित होता है और देखता है कि पराशक्ति ही कर्ता है। उसका मन सिर्फ साक्षी भाव में रहता है । ऐसी बोध स्थिति को या ऐसी बोध में जो जीवन निर्वाह करता है, उसे ब्राम्हण कहा जा सकता है। इस काल खंड को सत्य युग कहा जा सकता है।
यह स्वयं मेरी धारणा और उपलब्धि से मैंने लिखा है। मेरा मानना यह है कि वर्ण, जन्म से नहीं बल्कि मनोस्थिति से आधारित है। कर्म पे आधारित है। जन्म से कोई जाति नहीं बनती। हम सब एक ही ईश्वर के संतान है, कोई छोटा या बड़ा नहीं। हम सब अलग अलग मोती एक ही धागे से पिरोए हुए है।

Zero or Shiva

 Zero or Shiva ??

Zero was discovered in India. As per my understanding, the essence of zero (0) and Shiva are identical. Zero or Shunya doesn't just represent nothingness, it also respresents wholeness or completeness or fullness or infinity. That which is Shunya(nothing) is also Poorna ( Whole/Infinite ).
You see, both the zero and a Shiva Linga looks identical. The photograph below will give an idea. It's not a mere coincidence; there's deep reason for it.
Mathematically you multiply anything with zero or try to divide zero, the result is also zero.
This can also be represented as, you give anything to the infinite or take away anything from that infinite or whole, what remains is the same infinite or wholeness.
The entire base and fundamentals of modern knowledge stands upon these pillars of deep realisations.
I found an exact Shloka from Ishavasya Upanishad, a very common Shloka that exactly says this.
ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदम् पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते |
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ||
Om poornam-adah poornam-idah poorna-aat poornam-udachyate
Om poorna-asya poornam-aadaaya poornam-evaa vashishyate
That is whole, this is whole, the whole comes from the whole.
If wholeness is taken away from the whole, what remains is also whole.
Peace be upon All.
Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi
Om Namah Shivaya